After taking a sauna, you will feel incredible relaxation, a sense of euphoria, and will likely have an incredible night’s sleep. You just know sauna is healthy. Fortunately, there are a growing number of peer reviewed studies that show actual health benefits of regular sauna use. If you’re ready to nerd out, read on. Because you know, Science!
Are your legs trashed after deciding to ride 403 and 401 in a day? Moving a little slowly after that trail run or one too many times up The North Face Lift? Still act like you're 30 even though you're 50? Sauna usage promotes better circulation to muscles and joints, helping athletes recover faster. (Source) Sauna provides a soothing respite from the pain through increased circulation and reduction of pain. (Source)
Sauna users have been proven to have more oxygen rich blood with increased cardiorespiratory function. The heat stress on the body is opening up blood flow to all parts of the body. (Source)
"Give me a fever and I can cure any disease" - Hippocrates. Research is showing that the body’s response to heat is similar to a fever which triggers your body’s immune system response. Over time this can promote a stronger immune system and resilience to colds and flus.
Stress and anxiety are common for so many. We see again and again, through mental health research and physical research that sauna usage is a remedy to the stressful world we live in. It doesn’t change that amount of stress, it changes us and increases our ability to relieve that stress. This increased resiliency of both body and mind that comes from sauna use brings about a deep sense of well-being and contentment. (Source)
This is what led me to sauna. A deep, restorative night's sleep is so hard to get, for so many. Not getting enough sleep is linked with many chronic diseases and conditions that threaten our health. (Source) I, and many others, have found sauna as a natural, healthy practice that facilitates that deep, restful, satisfying sleep. (Source)
Recent studies have suggested that sauna, and passive heat therapies, have neuroprotective benefits when used regularly. The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study followed Finnish men for 20 years and showed that the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease was three times lower in those who more regularly participated in Finnish sauna bathing. (Source 1, Source 2)
Sauna can make you live longer? Sounds like it! Regular sauna users of 2-4 times per week experienced a 27% drop in all-cause mortality. But wait! There's more...Regular sauna users of 4-7 times per week experienced a 40% drop in all-cause mortality. The most widely respected study, published by the Mayo Clinic in August 2018 studied male sauna users in Finland over the course of 20 years. This research was done at the University of Jyväskylä and Central Finland Health Care District. (Source) This research body is continuing to grow and include significantly more models of thermic bathing and types of sauna. Also exciting is seeing how emotional and mental health are impacted by sauna. More and more people are using sauna as a therapy for PTSD and other significant social/emotional conditions.